As you may have noticed, there's a lot of those extremely annoying tinypic icons all over my blog instead of my pictures. Yes, this drives me crazy because I was silly enough to think that if I deleted all of the pictures in my tinypic account (thinking "Hey, this could empty up some space and make my uploading go by faster...") that no difference would be made.
Moral of the story: do not delete the photos in your tinypic account; because you will be stuck with this nasty little icon and have to upload them all over again.
Anywho, sorry for that. My bad, completely. I'll be re-uploading everything again and all that jazz.
On a good note, I'm about to go [hopefully] dominate my 2D design final, and Christmas break is coming up. So aside from this mess, everything is going pretty gravy and I hope you're having a great holiday.