
Elizabeth: Take Two

After my recent blog massacre I eventually decided to re-upload past sets in new blog posts. Tedious? Yes. Annoying? Ultimate yes. However, I can't say it's been a total disaster going through my old ION (a gargantuan external drive the size of my forearm) considering I had a nice time going through old memories. The nostalgia was unavoidable.

So here is my old Elizabeth set! She's insanely crafty and a wonderful artist, and I had a lot of fun with these.

My apologies to anyone whose seen all of these before as I re-upload past sets. My bad completely.

Side note: As you may have noticed (if you're one of the very few visitors here, ha) I'm changing up my blog's look. My knowledge of any sort of web design is rather exiguous, but I'm learning. Gradually, yes, but still.

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