
CJ and Cameron

Okay, so my picture taking opportunities as of late have been slim to none as of late (while at it, take away the slim). Safe to say this highly disappoints me, but my time management skills, or lack thereof, has prevented me from taking anything.

I've decided to somewhat assuage my photo dry spell by going through old pictures and editing them like crazy, hence this set of my beautiful roommate, CJ, and her boyfriend Cameron I took awhile back.

Oh, and may I add CJ said that she was not photogenic prior to this? Yeah, I know.

Oh! And I fiddled around with my settings and I hope that I fixed the whole comment thing? Apparently my blog was unable to be commented on before (thank you Victorio for the notice, by the way). Anywho, I hope that the comment box is now visible.

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(this just makes me laugh, really)
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Anonymous,  January 24, 2010 at 8:01 PM  

I love these and love the run of CJ sitting in the doorway!

Meg February 1, 2010 at 11:52 AM  
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